Make Held Notes Behave Differently With Toys
Shortstack Enjoyer
Currently held notes with connection simply act as two normal notes, one when you hit the initial note and another when you release it. It'd be cool to have held notes behave differently to make them more impactful in charts and add variety to how toys behave with the game.
Specifically, with linear toys i.e. Handy they would go down with the speed being dependant on the length of the hold note so they're all the way down right before the middle of the note's duration. Then right after the middle of the hold duration they start coming back up at the speed where they'll be back to the starting position right as you release the note.
For vibrating toys, I imagine they increase in intensity reaching their peak at the middle of the hold note and reduce intensity back to nothing right as you release it.
Not sure about anything that behaves differently from those two, but this would make the toy implementation more reactive and in-sync with the animations.